Alien Encounters: Documented Case From Abductees & Experiencers

Alien Encounters:

Documented Case From Abductees & Experiencers

Alien abductions are a polarizing topic, often dismissed by skeptics but supported by intriguing, documented cases that have found their way into both news and, on occasion, government files. Here we explore five notable accounts that have been widely reported and, in some instances, officially recorded.


1. The Antonio Villas Boas Incident (1957)

Antonio Villas Boas was a Brazilian farmer who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in 1957. His case is one of the earliest and most detailed accounts. Boas reported being forcibly taken aboard an oddly shaped aircraft where he was subjected to a series of medical examinations, including a blood sample taken from his chin. Later, he claimed to have been seduced by a female alien, describing the encounter in vivid detail. His story gained international attention when it was published in a variety of newspapers and later scrutinized in a formal investigation.


Antonio Villas Boas Alien Encounter photograph

2. The Travis Walton Experience (1975)

Travis Walton’s alien abduction claim is among the most famous, partly because of the movie “Fire in the Sky” based on his experiences. Walton, a logger from Arizona, disappeared for five days, igniting a massive search. He reappeared disoriented, claiming that he had been taken aboard a UFO, where he encountered several types of extraterrestrials. His coworkers, who were with him when he disappeared, witnessed a bright light in the sky, and they all passed polygraph tests confirming they had seen an unusual event.


Travis Walton Fire in the Sky Real Alien Abduction Story
  1. The Allagash Waterway Abduction (1976)

This incident involved four men who were camping in Maine near the Allagash Waterway when they saw a bright light. According to their accounts, the light enveloped them, and they found themselves aboard an alien spacecraft being examined. The men underwent hypnosis in which they recalled details of their abduction, which were remarkably consistent with each other. This case is particularly noted for its multiple witnesses—all of whom experienced the same event.


The Allagash Waterway Alien Encounter- Four students get abducted

4. The Manhattan Transfer (1989)

Linda Cortile Napolitano claimed to have been abducted from her high-rise Manhattan apartment and taken aboard a UFO that hovered over the New York City skyline. Her case was championed by UFO researcher Budd Hopkins, who presented multiple witnesses who allegedly saw the abduction from different vantage points in the city. The case remains controversial, with skeptics pointing to the high visibility of the alleged event and the lack of additional corroborative witnesses beyond those provided by Hopkins.


Linda Cortile Napolitano Manhattan Alien Abduction Experience - the real story
  1. The Ariel School Encounter (1994)

In one of the most compelling mass UFO sightings, 62 schoolchildren in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, reported seeing a spacecraft and strange beings during their morning recess. The children, ages 6 to 12, independently described the event with consistent details. Researchers, including Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, visited the school and interviewed the children, whose drawings and accounts of the event showed remarkable similarities. The Ariel School sighting remains a well-documented case studied in the context of UFO phenomena.


Ariel School Encounter Africa - Children's Real Encounter Story

Each of these cases has been thoroughly investigated and has left skeptics and believers alike puzzled over the details and implications of the encounters. Whether considered folklore or evidence of extraterrestrial life, these documented abductions continue to challenge our understanding of the world and fuel the debate over the existence of life beyond Earth.

Latest News

Alien Encounters: Documented Case From Abductees & Experiencers

Alien abductions are a polarizing topic, often dismissed by skeptics but supported by intriguing, documented cases that have found their way into both news and, on occasion, government files. Here we explore five notable accounts that have been widely reported and, in some instances, officially recorded.

A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects

A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects. A look into haunted Objects and Their Physical Limitations Dolls Spirits tend to attach to objects with hard surfaces like dolls made of resin or porcelain, rather than soft items like stuffed animals due to the denseness...

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for Ghosts

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for GhostsCapturing ghostly images on camera has always been a fascinating subject for people. Whether it's an eerie apparition or a mysterious orb of light, these photographs often spark debates and stir the...

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las Vegas

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las VegasI am Detective John Smith, a seasoned law enforcement officer in Las Vegas, with over twenty years of experience under my belt. I have seen it all - from grisly murders to high-profile heists, and nothing seems...

Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology

Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology? 1. Spirit Box The Spirit Box is a device that scans through radio frequencies, allowing spirits to communicate through the white noise. Users can ask questions, and the device will pick up on...

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences:

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences: Religious Mysticism or Medical Mystery? 1. St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi was the first recorded case of stigmata in the 13th century. While he was praying on a mountain, he received the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and...

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical Significance

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical SignificanceStigmata is a religious phenomenon in which an individual experiences wounds or markings that resemble the wounds of Jesus Christ. Stigmata has been reported throughout history, and it continues to...

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the Unexplained

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the UnexplainedTrue Paranormal Magazine is a new publication that delves into the science of paranormal phenomena, with a focus on explaining common experiences and exploring the less common ones. Our goal...

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for Ghosts

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for Ghosts

Capturing ghostly images on camera has always been a fascinating subject for people. Whether it’s an eerie apparition or a mysterious orb of light, these photographs often spark debates and stir the imagination of believers and skeptics alike. However, not all photos that appear to show supernatural activity are genuine, and many of them can be easily explained by natural or man-made phenomena.

One of the most common photo phenomena that people mistake for ghosts is lens flares. This effect occurs when a bright light source reflects off the lens of the camera, creating a haze or halo-like effect on the photo. It often appears as a small, blurry, circular shape that can be mistaken for a ghostly orb or energy field.


Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for Ghosts

Dust particles are another culprit. In low light conditions, dust particles in the air can be captured by the camera and appear as small, fuzzy orbs in the photo. This effect can easily be mistaken for supernatural activity.

Insects such as moths, flies, and mosquitoes can fly close to the camera lens and appear as blurry, streaky shapes in the photo. They can also reflect light and appear as glowing orbs, adding to the illusion of ghostly activity.

Sometimes, the presence of the camera strap or the photographer’s finger in the frame can accidentally ruin a photo. These can appear as smudges or shapes that can be misinterpreted as ghostly apparitions or energies.

Double exposure is another common phenomenon where two or more images are accidentally superimposed on top of each other in a single photo. This can create ghostly, transparent images that appear to be layered on top of each other.

Finally, pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon where the human brain perceives familiar patterns or shapes, such as human faces or animals, in random or vague stimuli, such as clouds, shadows, or even in photographic anomalies. This phenomenon can sometimes explain why people might see or interpret ghostly images in photos or other visual stimuli, even if there is no supernatural activity present.

Pareidolia can play a significant role in why people might believe that they have captured photographic evidence of spirits. When people see what they perceive to be a human face or figure in a photograph, their brain naturally attempts to fill in the gaps and make sense of the image. This is especially true when the photo is taken in low light conditions or is of poor quality. In these situations, the human brain will sometimes “see” a face or figure that is not actually present, leading people to believe that they have captured evidence of a ghostly entity.

It is important to note that pareidolia is a normal and natural phenomenon that affects everyone to some degree. However, it is essential to be mindful of this tendency when examining photographic evidence of supernatural activity. Without proper analysis and investigation, it is easy to mistake random patterns or anomalies for evidence of ghosts or spirits. By understanding and recognizing the role of pareidolia in our perceptions, we can more accurately evaluate photographic evidence and make informed conclusions about the existence of paranormal activity.

In conclusion, while the possibility of encountering paranormal activity is still a fascinating and thrilling prospect, it is important to approach any photographic evidence of supernatural activity with a critical eye. Many of these common photo phenomena can be easily explained, and it is always important to rule out natural or man-made causes before jumping to supernatural conclusions. By understanding the various photo phenomena that can be mistaken for ghosts and acknowledging the role of pareidolia in our perceptions, we can avoid being misled by false evidence and continue to explore the mysteries of the supernatural with a healthy dose of skepticism and curiosity.

User Submitted Photos:

Latest News

Alien Encounters: Documented Case From Abductees & Experiencers

Alien abductions are a polarizing topic, often dismissed by skeptics but supported by intriguing, documented cases that have found their way into both news and, on occasion, government files. Here we explore five notable accounts that have been widely reported and, in some instances, officially recorded.

A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects

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Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for Ghosts

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for GhostsCapturing ghostly images on camera has always been a fascinating subject for people. Whether it's an eerie apparition or a mysterious orb of light, these photographs often spark debates and stir the...

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las Vegas

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las VegasI am Detective John Smith, a seasoned law enforcement officer in Las Vegas, with over twenty years of experience under my belt. I have seen it all - from grisly murders to high-profile heists, and nothing seems...

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Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology? 1. Spirit Box The Spirit Box is a device that scans through radio frequencies, allowing spirits to communicate through the white noise. Users can ask questions, and the device will pick up on...

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences:

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences: Religious Mysticism or Medical Mystery? 1. St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi was the first recorded case of stigmata in the 13th century. While he was praying on a mountain, he received the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and...

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical Significance

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical SignificanceStigmata is a religious phenomenon in which an individual experiences wounds or markings that resemble the wounds of Jesus Christ. Stigmata has been reported throughout history, and it continues to...

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the Unexplained

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the UnexplainedTrue Paranormal Magazine is a new publication that delves into the science of paranormal phenomena, with a focus on explaining common experiences and exploring the less common ones. Our goal...

Scheduled Matches

Saturday Apr 2


Lorem Vs Impsum — 12pm

Ipsum vs Orci — 12pm

Pellentesque Vs ipsum — 12pm

Vivamus Vs Libero — 12pm

Convallis Vs Egestas — 12pm-12:45pm

Dapibus Vs Proin — 12pm

Nulla Vs Porttitor— 12pm

Orci Vs Dapibus — 12pm

Volutpat Vs Nulla — 12pm

Risus Vs Suscipit — 12pm

Saturday Apr 9

Lorem Vs Impsum — 12pm-12:45pm

Ipsum vs Orci — 12pm

Pellentesque Vs ipsum — 12pm

Convallis Vs Egestas — 12pm-12:45pm

Dapibus Vs Proin — 12pm-12:45pm

Nulla Vs Porttitor— 12pm-12:45pm

Volutpat Vs Nulla — 12pm

Risus Vs Suscipit — 12pm-12:45pm

Join the League

Open Registration: Mar 14 – Apr 30

Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget

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True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las Vegas

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las Vegas

I am Detective John Smith, a seasoned law enforcement officer in Las Vegas, with over twenty years of experience under my belt. I have seen it all – from grisly murders to high-profile heists, and nothing seems to faze me. I am known for my calm and collected demeanor, even in the most stressful of situations. But there was one case that still unsettles my nerves. 

I never thought much of the rumors surrounding my home in Las Vegas. People whispered that it was built on sacred Native American burial grounds and that the spirits of the dead still lingered on the land.  There had been protests around the develpment of the property – but to me, it was just a house – a beautiful,  new build, in a sunny spot in one of the sunniest cities in the US.

True Paranormal Magazine - Gambling with the dead in Las Vegas

It wasn’t until strange occurrences began happening that I began to question the stories. Doors would slam shut without warning, footsteps would echo through the halls when no one was around, and objects would move on their own. I tried to ignore it all, passing up the doors as a wind gust, the objects just misplaced by errant children, but a few months into our stay, things continued to escalate to undeniable levels.

One night, I heard chanting coming from within the house. It seemed to be a Native American chant, and it grew louder and more intense with each passing moment. I couldn’t ignore it any longer – I had to know what was going on.

I did some research and discovered that the house was indeed built on a sacred burial ground of the Paiute tribe. The more I read, the more I began to believe that the stories might be true. It had been almost a year of living in this new home and I was just celebrating a promotion at work. Despite that, I had a vivid frightening dream.

The ghost of a Paiute warrior appeared before me, angry and vengeful. He told me that I was disrespecting the sacred burial ground and that I needed to leave immediately. I tried to explain that I had no idea what I was doing, that I just wanted to understand, but he wouldn’t listen. He warned me that if I ever returned, I would suffer the consequences.

I left the house that night, never to return. I couldn’t bear the thought of angering the spirits any further. The house remained abandoned, and the ghost of the Paiute warrior continued to haunt it. I couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt – I had unknowingly disrespected the burial ground and caused harm to the spirits that still resided there.

In time, I came to understand the power of the supernatural world. I learned to respect the spirits and to honor their traditions. The haunting had left a lasting impression on me, and I knew that I would never forget the lessons I had learned. Even though I could no longer call the house my home, I felt a sense of peace knowing that the spirits had been heard and that their story had been told.

User Submitted Photos:

Latest News

Alien Encounters: Documented Case From Abductees & Experiencers

Alien abductions are a polarizing topic, often dismissed by skeptics but supported by intriguing, documented cases that have found their way into both news and, on occasion, government files. Here we explore five notable accounts that have been widely reported and, in some instances, officially recorded.

A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects

A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects. A look into haunted Objects and Their Physical Limitations Dolls Spirits tend to attach to objects with hard surfaces like dolls made of resin or porcelain, rather than soft items like stuffed animals due to the denseness...

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for Ghosts

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for GhostsCapturing ghostly images on camera has always been a fascinating subject for people. Whether it's an eerie apparition or a mysterious orb of light, these photographs often spark debates and stir the...

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las Vegas

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las VegasI am Detective John Smith, a seasoned law enforcement officer in Las Vegas, with over twenty years of experience under my belt. I have seen it all - from grisly murders to high-profile heists, and nothing seems...

Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology

Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology? 1. Spirit Box The Spirit Box is a device that scans through radio frequencies, allowing spirits to communicate through the white noise. Users can ask questions, and the device will pick up on...

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences:

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences: Religious Mysticism or Medical Mystery? 1. St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi was the first recorded case of stigmata in the 13th century. While he was praying on a mountain, he received the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and...

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical Significance

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical SignificanceStigmata is a religious phenomenon in which an individual experiences wounds or markings that resemble the wounds of Jesus Christ. Stigmata has been reported throughout history, and it continues to...

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the Unexplained

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the UnexplainedTrue Paranormal Magazine is a new publication that delves into the science of paranormal phenomena, with a focus on explaining common experiences and exploring the less common ones. Our goal...

Scheduled Matches

Saturday Apr 2


Lorem Vs Impsum — 12pm

Ipsum vs Orci — 12pm

Pellentesque Vs ipsum — 12pm

Vivamus Vs Libero — 12pm

Convallis Vs Egestas — 12pm-12:45pm

Dapibus Vs Proin — 12pm

Nulla Vs Porttitor— 12pm

Orci Vs Dapibus — 12pm

Volutpat Vs Nulla — 12pm

Risus Vs Suscipit — 12pm

Saturday Apr 9

Lorem Vs Impsum — 12pm-12:45pm

Ipsum vs Orci — 12pm

Pellentesque Vs ipsum — 12pm

Convallis Vs Egestas — 12pm-12:45pm

Dapibus Vs Proin — 12pm-12:45pm

Nulla Vs Porttitor— 12pm-12:45pm

Volutpat Vs Nulla — 12pm

Risus Vs Suscipit — 12pm-12:45pm

Join the League

Open Registration: Mar 14 – Apr 30

Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget

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Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology

Top 5 Current ITC Devices:

Communicating with the Dead Through Technology?

1. Spirit Box

The Spirit Box is a device that scans through radio frequencies, allowing spirits to communicate through the white noise. Users can ask questions, and the device will pick up on any responses from the other side. The Spirit Box has become popular among paranormal investigators, and it has been featured on many television shows and documentaries.


2. The Ovilus – Editor Favorite *Only on phoenetic mode

The Ovilus is a device that uses complex algorithms to generate words based on changes in the environment, such as temperature or electromagnetic fields. Spirits can manipulate these changes to produce words and phrases that are relevant to the conversation. The Ovilus has been used in many paranormal investigations, and it has been featured on television shows such as Ghost Adventures, keep an eye out for deep testing videos from True Paranormal Magazine.


  1. SLS Camera

The SLS Camera, also known as the “Stickman Camera,” uses infrared sensors to detect human-like figures. The device can create a 3D image of the figure, allowing investigators to see and communicate with spirits. The SLS Camera has been used in many investigations and has been featured on television shows such as Ghost Hunters.


4. Paranormal Puck

The Paranormal Puck is a device that uses sensors to detect changes in the environment, such as temperature, humidity, and electromagnetic fields. It produces a variety of readings that are believed to be influenced by spirits. The device can also be programmed to ask specific questions, and the spirits can respond through the sensors. The Paranormal Puck has been used in many paranormal investigations and has been featured on various television shows..


  1. GeoPort

The GeoPort is a device that was originally used by the FBI to monitor phone lines. It has since been adapted for paranormal research and has become popular among investigators. The GeoPort allows spirits to communicate through the manipulation of white noise and other sounds. It has been used in many paranormal investigations and has been featured on various television shows.


ITC devices have become increasingly popular among paranormal investigators and those interested in communicating with the dead. While skeptics may view these devices as nothing more than parlor tricks, many people believe that they offer a legitimate way to connect with the other side. The top five current ITC devices provide a range of options for those interested in paranormal research, and they demonstrate the ongoing fascination with the possibility of communicating with the dead through technology.

Latest News

Alien Encounters: Documented Case From Abductees & Experiencers

Alien abductions are a polarizing topic, often dismissed by skeptics but supported by intriguing, documented cases that have found their way into both news and, on occasion, government files. Here we explore five notable accounts that have been widely reported and, in some instances, officially recorded.

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True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las Vegas

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las VegasI am Detective John Smith, a seasoned law enforcement officer in Las Vegas, with over twenty years of experience under my belt. I have seen it all - from grisly murders to high-profile heists, and nothing seems...

Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology

Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology? 1. Spirit Box The Spirit Box is a device that scans through radio frequencies, allowing spirits to communicate through the white noise. Users can ask questions, and the device will pick up on...

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences:

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences: Religious Mysticism or Medical Mystery? 1. St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi was the first recorded case of stigmata in the 13th century. While he was praying on a mountain, he received the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and...

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical Significance

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical SignificanceStigmata is a religious phenomenon in which an individual experiences wounds or markings that resemble the wounds of Jesus Christ. Stigmata has been reported throughout history, and it continues to...

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the Unexplained

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the UnexplainedTrue Paranormal Magazine is a new publication that delves into the science of paranormal phenomena, with a focus on explaining common experiences and exploring the less common ones. Our goal...

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences:

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences:

Religious Mysticism or Medical Mystery?

1. St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi was the first recorded case of stigmata in the 13th century. While he was praying on a mountain, he received the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and side. The wounds bled for the remaining two years of his life. This experience is significant because it was the first documented case of stigmata, and it has been an inspiration for many religious devotees throughout the centuries.


St Francis Asisi - Stigmata Case

2. Padre Pio

Padre Pio, an Italian Catholic priest, is perhaps the most famous case of stigmata in modern times. He bore the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and side for 50 years, and he also experienced the “invisible stigmata,” in which he experienced the pain of the wounds without the visible physical manifestation. Padre Pio’s experience is significant because it was well-documented, and he was eventually declared a saint by the Catholic Church.


Padre Pio - Stigmata Experience
  1. Therese Neumann

Therese Neumann was a German mystic who experienced stigmata and a range of other mystical experiences. She reported that she was able to survive without food or water, and she also experienced visions of the Virgin Mary and other saints. Her stigmata wounds bled on Good Friday each year. Her experience is significant because it was well-documented, and she was investigated by both medical professionals and the Catholic Church.


therese neumann

4. Maria Esperanza

Maria Esperanza was a Venezuelan visionary who experienced stigmata and other mystical experiences throughout her life. She reported that she was able to communicate with angels and that she had visions of the Virgin Mary. Her stigmata wounds appeared on her hands, feet, and side, and they bled profusely. Her experience is significant because she was investigated by both medical professionals and the Catholic Church, and she was declared a “Servant of God” by the Church.


Maria Esperanza - Stigmata
  1. Magdalena de la Cruz

Magdalena de la Cruz was a Spanish nun who experienced stigmata and other mystical experiences throughout her life. She reported that she had visions of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, and that she was able to communicate with angels. Her stigmata wounds appeared on her hands, feet, and side, and they bled on Fridays. Her experience is significant because she was investigated by both medical professionals and the Catholic Church, and her stigmata was believed to be a sign of her sanctity.


Magdalena de la Cruz - Stigmata

Latest News

Alien Encounters: Documented Case From Abductees & Experiencers

Alien abductions are a polarizing topic, often dismissed by skeptics but supported by intriguing, documented cases that have found their way into both news and, on occasion, government files. Here we explore five notable accounts that have been widely reported and, in some instances, officially recorded.

A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects

A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects. A look into haunted Objects and Their Physical Limitations Dolls Spirits tend to attach to objects with hard surfaces like dolls made of resin or porcelain, rather than soft items like stuffed animals due to the denseness...

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for Ghosts

Seeing is Deceiving: Common Photo Phenomena Mistaken for GhostsCapturing ghostly images on camera has always been a fascinating subject for people. Whether it's an eerie apparition or a mysterious orb of light, these photographs often spark debates and stir the...

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las Vegas

True Reader Stories: Gambling With the Dead in Las VegasI am Detective John Smith, a seasoned law enforcement officer in Las Vegas, with over twenty years of experience under my belt. I have seen it all - from grisly murders to high-profile heists, and nothing seems...

Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology

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Top 5 Stigmata Experiences:

Top 5 Stigmata Experiences: Religious Mysticism or Medical Mystery? 1. St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi was the first recorded case of stigmata in the 13th century. While he was praying on a mountain, he received the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and...

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical Significance

Stigmata: The Scientific Explanation and Historical SignificanceStigmata is a religious phenomenon in which an individual experiences wounds or markings that resemble the wounds of Jesus Christ. Stigmata has been reported throughout history, and it continues to...

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the Unexplained

Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the UnexplainedTrue Paranormal Magazine is a new publication that delves into the science of paranormal phenomena, with a focus on explaining common experiences and exploring the less common ones. Our goal...