Top 5 Current ITC Devices: Communicating with the Dead Through Technology

Top 5 Current ITC Devices:

Communicating with the Dead Through Technology?

1. Spirit Box

The Spirit Box is a device that scans through radio frequencies, allowing spirits to communicate through the white noise. Users can ask questions, and the device will pick up on any responses from the other side. The Spirit Box has become popular among paranormal investigators, and it has been featured on many television shows and documentaries.


2. The Ovilus – Editor Favorite *Only on phoenetic mode

The Ovilus is a device that uses complex algorithms to generate words based on changes in the environment, such as temperature or electromagnetic fields. Spirits can manipulate these changes to produce words and phrases that are relevant to the conversation. The Ovilus has been used in many paranormal investigations, and it has been featured on television shows such as Ghost Adventures, keep an eye out for deep testing videos from True Paranormal Magazine.


  1. SLS Camera

The SLS Camera, also known as the “Stickman Camera,” uses infrared sensors to detect human-like figures. The device can create a 3D image of the figure, allowing investigators to see and communicate with spirits. The SLS Camera has been used in many investigations and has been featured on television shows such as Ghost Hunters.


4. Paranormal Puck

The Paranormal Puck is a device that uses sensors to detect changes in the environment, such as temperature, humidity, and electromagnetic fields. It produces a variety of readings that are believed to be influenced by spirits. The device can also be programmed to ask specific questions, and the spirits can respond through the sensors. The Paranormal Puck has been used in many paranormal investigations and has been featured on various television shows..


  1. GeoPort

The GeoPort is a device that was originally used by the FBI to monitor phone lines. It has since been adapted for paranormal research and has become popular among investigators. The GeoPort allows spirits to communicate through the manipulation of white noise and other sounds. It has been used in many paranormal investigations and has been featured on various television shows.


ITC devices have become increasingly popular among paranormal investigators and those interested in communicating with the dead. While skeptics may view these devices as nothing more than parlor tricks, many people believe that they offer a legitimate way to connect with the other side. The top five current ITC devices provide a range of options for those interested in paranormal research, and they demonstrate the ongoing fascination with the possibility of communicating with the dead through technology.

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Introducing True Paranormal Magazine: Exploring the Science of the Unexplained

True Paranormal Magazine is a new publication that delves into the science of paranormal phenomena, with a focus on explaining common experiences and exploring the less common ones. Our goal is to provide readers with an in-depth look at the unexplained, featuring articles written by experts in their respective fields.

 Covering a wide range of topics related to the paranormal, including ghost sightings, psychic abilities, UFO sightings, and more, True Paranormal Magazine features a team of writers comprising scientists, historians, and paranormal researchers.

The magazine delivers well-researched articles that explore the latest findings and theories related to the subject.

At True Paranormal Magazine, we recognize that many people are skeptical of the paranormal. That’s why we always strive to present evidence-based explanations for paranormal phenomena, and we question commonly held beliefs. We don’t aim to convince our readers that the paranormal is either real or fake; we aim to provide the facts and let our readers come to their own conclusions.

One unique feature of True Paranormal Magazine is our emphasis on explaining common paranormal experiences. Many people have had experiences that they can’t quite explain, such as feeling a cold spot in a room or sensing a presence that they can’t see. Our articles aim to provide possible explanations for these experiences based on scientific research and theories.

For instance, in our first issue, we explore the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. This is a common experience that affects many people, but it can be terrifying for those who don’t understand what’s happening. True Paranormal Magazine’s article explains the science behind sleep paralysis and provides tips for coping with it.

Another example is our article on haunted houses. Many people report feeling uneasy or sensing a presence in certain locations, such as old buildings or homes. Our article explores possible explanations for this, such as infrasound or electromagnetic fields, and provides tips for investigating these experiences.

True Paranormal Magazine also delves into less common paranormal phenomena. For example, in our first issue, we have an article on stigmata, the phenomenon of individuals developing wounds or marks that mimic the wounds of Jesus Christ. Our article explores the history and science of stigmata and provides interviews with individuals who have experienced it.

We also have articles on topics such as remote viewing, near-death experiences, and reincarnation. Our writers provide well-researched information on these topics, drawing from scientific studies and personal accounts.

True Paranormal Magazine is not just for those who believe in the paranormal. It’s also for skeptics who are curious about the subject and want to learn more. We believe that exploring the unexplained can help us understand the mysteries of the world around us and can lead to new scientific discoveries.

In addition to our articles, True Paranormal Magazine also features interviews with experts in the field, book reviews, and reader submissions. We encourage our readers to share their own paranormal experiences with us, and we’ll feature some of the most interesting ones in our magazine.

True Paranormal Magazine Online is now available, and we are thrilled to bring you more in the coming months. We believe that True Paranormal Magazine is a unique and informative publication that will appeal to anyone with an interest in the unexplained. We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and exploration with True Paranormal Magazine.

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Scheduled Matches

Saturday Apr 2


Lorem Vs Impsum — 12pm

Ipsum vs Orci — 12pm

Pellentesque Vs ipsum — 12pm

Vivamus Vs Libero — 12pm

Convallis Vs Egestas — 12pm-12:45pm

Dapibus Vs Proin — 12pm

Nulla Vs Porttitor— 12pm

Orci Vs Dapibus — 12pm

Volutpat Vs Nulla — 12pm

Risus Vs Suscipit — 12pm

Saturday Apr 9

Lorem Vs Impsum — 12pm-12:45pm

Ipsum vs Orci — 12pm

Pellentesque Vs ipsum — 12pm

Convallis Vs Egestas — 12pm-12:45pm

Dapibus Vs Proin — 12pm-12:45pm

Nulla Vs Porttitor— 12pm-12:45pm

Volutpat Vs Nulla — 12pm

Risus Vs Suscipit — 12pm-12:45pm

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Open Registration: Mar 14 – Apr 30

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