A Real Priest Talks About Haunted Objects.

A look into haunted Objects and Their Physical Limitations


  • Spirits tend to attach to objects with hard surfaces like dolls made of resin or porcelain, rather than soft items like stuffed animals due to the denseness that allows for energy attachment.
  • The theory suggests that items like dolls are more susceptible to being haunted due to their density, which provides a conduit for spirits to attach.
  • Haunted dolls are considered rare, and physical limitations, such as the material they are made of, play a significant role in their ability to harbor spirits.

Spirits tend to attach to objects with hard surfaces like dolls made of resin or porcelain.


Spirits Attached to Various Objects

    • Spirits are commonly seen to attach to porcelain or resin dolls, indicating that denser objects are more receptive to spiritual attachment.
    • In some instances, spirits may attach to large paintings or statuary, showcasing the diversity in haunted objects beyond traditional dolls.
    • Rare cases have been documented where spirits are attached to unusual items like a wedding dress, suggesting that the density and significance of an object can influence spiritual attachment.

    “I’ve seen one time a wedding dress that had a spirit attached to it.”


    Importance of Human Attachment to Objects

      • Human nature’s intrinsic desire to collect and be attached to objects stems from a deep-rooted instinct that has been part of humanity since ancient times.
      • The emotional significance individuals place on objects, such as paintings or possessions, can create strong bonds that transcend into the afterlife.
      • The act of attaching oneself to an object post-death may stem from a need for comfort, protection, or a desire to preserve a connection to the physical world.

      “Humans are very interested in their objects… it’s literally built into our DNA into our atomical makeup that we really like to collect things.”


      Haunted Objects and Spirit Protection

        • Rituals can be performed to invite spirits to inhabit objects like dolls, turning them into protectors or guardians, as seen in various cultures around the world.
        • In different countries, symbolic objects like dolls or lions are used to ward off negative energies and protect spaces.
        • Objects like the doll of Shango in Latin America are believed to house spirits that act as protectors when called upon.
        • Spirits can extend their influence beyond a single form, similar to how Archangels in Christianity are perceived as being able to occupy multiple spaces.
        • Some haunted objects are believed to be extensions of powerful spirits capable of manifesting in various realms and forms.

        “So, some of those are like that — just a piece of that spirit, connected to the entity itself but free to extend to different realms and objects, showcasing its strength.”


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